1/14/25 boots broke. hot glue. science department group chat. duck taping it with a chem worksheet. absurd croaking noises when I walk. mayhem. whatever.
4/3/24 so my pc denigrated into a zero environment of inexistence after i bitch slapped a whole cunting bottle of water onto it.
3/21/24 i have final girled my way out of this 80s horror simulacra
2/18/24 pretty candles are my parental fulfillment
2/13/24 slammed my poontang on the corner of a table. i feel like convulsing out of my skin. i need to start drinking melatonin
2/4/24 beloved father out there ingesting rocks he bought for 20 grand
1/26/24 considering changing layout for my journal bc its becoming less of a personal space for me to spew about events in my life but more of like an esoteric fuckup of theory